I have a benq scanner 5000 that was came with a 32 bit driver installation disk, is there a way I can run this in a 64 bit? I have tried to search for a 64 bit driver but I cannot or is there way that can run 32bit software in a 64 bit? Which one is the best between a 32bit and 64 bit scanner?
Using a 32bit scanner in a 64 bit environment
There are 64 bit drivers available for BenQ 5000. You can download those drivers from the below links
Download Link1
Download Link2
If you want to run software programs designed for 32-bit versions on any 64-bit version platforms it works well if there are no changes in it. 64-bit version is best between the two because it has double the processing speed to that of the 32-bit version so that it can enhance your system in the terms of performance.