Using AutoCAD to draw a diagram of airports from provided coordinates

How do I use AutoCAD to draw a diagram of airports using directional coordinates provided from the mapping of the airports without any location distortion?

How do I use AutoCAD to draw a diagram of airports using directional coordinates provided from the mapping of the airports without any location distortion?
Hi Joan,
Coordinate system is the landmarks of all sciences and mathematics and it was the introduction of coordinates into geometry. The key behind this is how a given point is represented. The point is characterized by a two real numbers that represent an axis. The x and y axis, the x axis is the vertical line of the Cartesian plain where the horizontal line is represented by the y axis. AutoCAD uses also the Cartesian coordinate system in giving the exact length, width, height, location, and angular form of an object.
In 2D- drawing, the UCS (User Coordinate System) shows the direction and divides you working area into two quadrants. Â For you to be able to do this:
1.      Define your point of origin.
2.      Define you second point by using the following command.
         Length, angle, direction, 0 them press enter.
                        Example: ‘135’,’ 36d’,’NE’, 0.