Asked By
kent woods
30 points
Posted on - 11/30/2012
How can I use java script export html table into excel? I'm having trouble finding the right code in the web and I found anything. Is there somebody here that actually know the code? Please help me. Can you give links for me to refer, I need it really bad. Thanks.
Using java script export html table into excel
Hi Kent,
There are several ways on how to import data from HTML table into Microsoft Excel table. Hope the following steps will help you:
1. Save your HTML table into CVS file format so that Microsoft Excel can decode the data and information from the table.
2.Open your browser and log on to the website you want to get data, now open the Microsoft Word and Excel. From the page highlight the table then copy selected text and paste it in Word. Again, copy the information from the word then paste it in excel, then excel will automatically paste the information in the individual columns and rows using the tab break in Word.