Hi there,
I recently got my hands on image processing. I am using opencv. It is interesting, but the problem is I am used to coding with codeblocks IDE.
It is a free IDE. But the openCV installer I downloaded, OpenCV-2.1.0-win32-vs2008; seems to be for working with Visual Studio 2008 only. Is there any way I can use it with codeblocks and mingw?
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
Yes, you can. The installer just helps to configure the compiler path directory, when used with Visual Studio.
When installed, it can also be used with other IDEs too.
You just need to configure them manually.
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
How do I configure them anyway?
Is there any configure script?
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
Open your code blocks IDE. Go to settings -> Compiler and Debugger.
In the “Linker settings” tab add the libraries “*.lib”
Next to the search directories tab. Compiler sub tab. Add the “include” folder. On the Linker subtab (also under search directories). Add the “lib” folder.
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
I have done as you said. But it still says, "cv.h no such file or directory."
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
Please browse to the installation directory > go to include folder and tell me what's in it?
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
There is another folder named “opencv” and there are some headers in it.
I think I got it.
Using OpenCV with codeblocks in Windows
Just use:
#include <opencvcv.h>
Instead of
#include <cv.h>
This should solve the problem.