Using a Salt Value with the user password

I would like to know the reason behind using a Salt Value with the user password. In addition, please clarify how it is used in the encrypted value and where it is stored?

I would like to know the reason behind using a Salt Value with the user password. In addition, please clarify how it is used in the encrypted value and where it is stored?
Hello Marise,
The reason why the salt value has to be used with a password is mainly to enhance the security of that mechanism. If it ever happens that two people end up sharing a password, the salt value is meant to make sure that the password will not be so obvious, otherwise a person who happens to share the same password with another will easily manipulate the password of the other person in case a random salt value for the password is not assigned.
So using the password for the salt value simply boosts the security and protects against an attacker.
Hope this helps.
Mahesh Babu