I have a wireless signal that is not reaching the intended clients in my area, I overhead about a wireless extender, what is the principle of operation? How does the extender differ from a repeater and at what distance within the signal range should in be located? Do the extender give a directional or a radial signal?
Using a wireless extender to expand the range
Wireless extender or wireless repeater receives the wireless signal from a wireless router or wireless access point then it broadcast the signal to cover more area. When the two element needs to be connected but the distance between them is too long which cannot support direct wireless connection then wireless extender is used. The extender are installed at the border of the wireless signal range of an access point or wireless router. The extender receive the signal and broadcast like an access point. But this is not an access point as it cannot create new wireless signal. Then another wireless extender is installed in the border of the wireless range of the previous extender. This way the wireless signal is extended to long distance using the wireless extender.
Wireless extender is same like a repeater. The function is same. Both of them improve the signal strength and retransmit. Wireless extender is also called wireless repeater.
The typical range of the WI-FI(802.11b/g) using a stock antenna is maximum about 105ft. (32 meters). Â So your wireless extender should be within this distance from your access point or wireless router so that it can retransmit the signal.
In the market unidirectional and multi-direction both type of WI-FI extender is available. You need to choose the one based on your requirement.