V-Ray 2.0 Plugin for 3DS Max 2012 Download Link

I heard about V-ray plug-in for 3ds max that helps to make realistic animation or image. Tell me about it and where I can find it.

I heard about V-ray plug-in for 3ds max that helps to make realistic animation or image. Tell me about it and where I can find it.
Hi there,
V-ray is a 3d rendering engine that helps to make 3d realistic image or animation. It is a kind of plug-in optimized and developed by V-ray corporation. It is supported in 3d software like 3ds max , cinema 4d, Maya. To work with this tool you have to assign it as a render engine in the assign manager. You will find the software and can buy it from this site: https://www.vray.com/
After download installs it. To assign start 3ds max and press “F10” under the common tab go below and click assigns manager and select v-ray. Will find more information in the given web.