Various Details Of 0x80070035 Error Code In Brief.

Hello, details for the 0x80070035 error code and notify the steps for the guidance too also reply soon and thank you very much as well.


Hello, details for the 0x80070035 error code and notify the steps for the guidance too also reply soon and thank you very much as well.
The error on your screenshot points to a path to another computer on a local area network. If you are trying to access a folder on a different computer, make sure that computer is running. If the computer is turned off, ask someone or the network administrator to turn it on for you so you can access the folder.
On the other hand, if the computer is running but you can’t connect to your desired folder, that folder is probably not shared. Before you can connect to another computer’s drive or folder, that drive or folder has to be shared first. Any resource on the computer that is not shared is inaccessible to the network.
If that folder or resource is accessible before, ask your network administrator to share the folder again so you can have access. Sometimes shared folders are protected with password before it can be accessed on the network.