Hello, community.
I am trying to create a new file in Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, size A4.
When I tried to fix the document's size to 300 ppi, I found an error message saying:
A number between 1000 and 256.565 is required. Closest value inserted.
It then inserts 256.565. The file definitely seems too large. If I try to do anything to the file, the computer crashes, and sometimes displays the error message saying:
Move command could not be completed as file is too large.
I also tried to resize the image or create a new file, but I’m not allowed by Photoshop Elements to set the ppi at 300, and I'm always stuck in the above error message. Â
Can anyone suggest me a solution for this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Various errors when changing Photoshop document size to 300ppi
The actual size of A4 is 210 x 297 mm. Looking at the picture posted, the width is 210 cm while the height is 297 cm which is 10 times larger than A4 (1 cm = 10 mm). 300 ppi is used for publications and/or small posters viewed at close range.
SOLUTION: Check the units you use for the size desired. Set your image size to a width of 210 mm and a height of 297 mm for an A4 image and a resolution of 300 ppi may be used.
Doing this will get rid of the error.
For larger images that will be viewed on a farther range, refer to the image and explanation below:
LPI = Lines per inch = offset printing "lines" or dots per inch in a halftone or line screen
PPI = Pixels per inch = number of pixels per inch in screen or scanner file terms
Most artwork is printed with CYMK processes generally at a maximum of 150 LPI or (300 PPI).
The rule of thumb to get good results is: Â LPI x 1.5 or 2 = PPI
So, for an image of 210 x 297 cm (or 2.1 x 2.97 m) from a view minimum of, for example, 10 feet (based from the image and rule:
10 feet needs 50 LPI or greater
50 LPI x 1.5 or 2 = 75 or 100 PPI