Various Types Of Blockchain Architecture And Its Components

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Explain briefly the various types of blockchain architecture and its components. Mention which type is more efficient and useful in terms of usability?

Answered By 0 points N/A #317725

Various Types Of Blockchain Architecture And Its Components


Blockchains are divided into three categories,

i.) Public blockchain architecture

ii.) Private blockchain architecture

iii.) Consortium blockchain architecture

Public blockchain architecture: It means that access to the system is available to anyone who wants to use/participate in it. Some well-known examples of such public blockchain architecture are Bitcoin, Ethereum and various other cryptocurrencies

Private blockchain architecture: Unlike public blockchain architecture access is restricted to certain users and can only be used by them and not available to the public.

Consortium blockchain architecture
: This structure is made up of few organizations and protocols and usage are set up and controlled by a previously assigned set of users.

When we talk about centralization, a private blockchain is considerably centralized by a particular group and has increased privacy whereas a public blockchain is pretty decentralized and hence not so secure. In a public blockchain, all records are visible, and anyone can take part in the verification process.

Hence we can conclude that public blockchain architecture is not so eco-friendly since it takes a lot of time for verification since it is public and has a higher number of nodes and requires greater computational power when compared to private blockchain architecture.

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