VB code for disk imaging

Hello techyv experts!!!!
I am looking for Visual Basic (vb) code for disk imaging. Can I copy the hard drive image similar to Norton Ghost or Disk in VB6 or VBScript? Can anybody help?

Hello techyv experts!!!!
I am looking for Visual Basic (vb) code for disk imaging. Can I copy the hard drive image similar to Norton Ghost or Disk in VB6 or VBScript? Can anybody help?
I am writing a best and optimized code of VB for the disk image.
Function CreateBackup(DriveLetter As String, ImageFilePath As String)
   Set My.DriveSnapshot = New cApp_DriveSnapshot 'Class that 'remote' controls snapshot.exe tool  Â
   Dim SnapshotData As cApp_Snapshot 'Class that contains all necessary Data for a Backup  Â
   Set SnapshotData = New cApp_Snapshot  Â
   With SnapshotData
       .DriveLetter = Left(DriveLetter, 1)
       .FilePath = ImageFilePath
       .VolumeShadowService = "default"
       .DebugMode = True 'show engine tool window
   End With  Â
   My.DriveSnapshot.CreateSnapshot2 SnapshotData
   'Set My.DriveSnapshot = New cApp_DriveSnapshot 'Class that 'remote' controls snapshot.exe tool
   'My.DriveSnapshot.Restore "D:Backup1.sna", "C:", "D:Backup1.sna"  Â
End Function
Call it as:
My.CreateBackup "C:", "D:Backup1.sna"
Incase if you don’t want the main window to be shown, then comment out "Me.Gui.Init" in cApp.Run.
Best Regards
Taylor Joseph