VB Script for changing WINS and DNS on remote machines
Dear user,
You can copy this code and paste it in your VB project. You will need WMI to use this code:
' IMPORTANT !!!! Change these constants !!!!
Const STR_SERVERS = "server1 server2 "Â ' Enter your servers here, separated by a space
Const STR_NEWDNS1 = ""
Const STR_NEWDNS2 = ""
Const STR_NEWWINS1= ""
Const STR_NEWWINS2= ""
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   cKeuze = MakeChoise( "Choose: Report or Change (R/C)?" )
Loop until cKeuze = "C" Or cKeuze = "R"
If( cKeuze = "C" ) Then
   Change( STR_SERVERS )
   Report( STR_SERVERS )
End If
WScript.Echo( "Check out https://www.activexperts.com/ for more samples and components" )
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub Change( strParamServers )
   arrServers = Split( strParamServers, " " )
   For i = 0 To UBound( arrServers )
      ShowDnsWins arrServers( i )  Â
         cKeuze = MakeChoise( " Change DNS/WINS and reboot (y/n)?" )
      Loop until cKeuze = "Y" Or cKeuze = "N"  Â
      If( cKeuze = "Y" ) Then
         SetDnsWins arrServers( i )     Â
         RebootServer( arrServers( i ) )
      End If
      WScript.StdOut.Write( vbCrlf )
End Sub
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub Report( strParamServers )
   arrServers = Split( strParamServers, " " )
   For i = 0 To UBound( arrServers )
      ShowDnsWins arrServers( i )
End Sub
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub ShowDnsWins( strServer )
   strWinMgmt = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//"& strServer &""
   Set objNICs = GetObject( strWinMgmt ).InstancesOf( "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" )
   WScript.StdOut.Write( strServer & ": " & vbCrlf )
   For Each objNIC In objNICs
      If objNIC.IPEnabled Then
            WScript.StdOut.Write( " " & objNIC.Description & ": " & vbCrlf & "   " )
              n = 1
            For Each strDns In objNIC.DNSServerSearchOrder
               WScript.StdOut.Write "DNS" & n & ":" & strDns & " "
               n = n + 1
            WScript.StdOut.Write( vbCrlf )
      End If
   WScript.StdOut.Write( vbCrlf )
End Sub
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub SetDnsWins( strServer )
   strWinMgmt = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//"& strServer &""
   Set objNICs = GetObject( strWinMgmt ).InstancesOf( "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" )
   WScript.StdOut.Write( " Set DNS for NIC: " )
   For Each objNIC In objNICs
      If objNIC.IPEnabled Then
         objNIC.SetDNSServerSearchOrder Array(STR_NEWDNS1,STR_NEWDNS2)
         WScript.StdOut.Write objNIC.Description & " "  Â
      End If
   WScript.StdOut.Write( vbCrlf )
End Sub
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sub RebootServer( strServer )
   Set OpSysSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{(RemoteShutdown)}//" & strServer & "/root/cimv2").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Primary=True")
   WScript.StdOut.Write( " Reboot: " )     Â
   For Each OpSys In OpSysSet
      WScript.StdOut.Write OpSys.Name
   WScript.StdOut.Write( vbCrlf )
End Sub
' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Function MakeChoise( strMesg )
   strChoise = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
   MakeChoise = UCase( Left( strChoise, 1 ) )
End Function
Check out this website for more help:
Hope this will help you.
Thank you.