VB6 Most Preferable Back-end Database

Miscrosoft Access and SQL databases seem to be very good back-end database for Visual Basic 6 users. What would be the best option if you will be running them into a network handling huge customer databases?

Miscrosoft Access and SQL databases seem to be very good back-end database for Visual Basic 6 users. What would be the best option if you will be running them into a network handling huge customer databases?
You better use ODBC database when you are dealing with client server database on network. I will suggest you to use MS SQL MySql Database. They are both good for network handling huge customer databases. The angle that you need to consider for those 2 is MS SQL is not free database while mySQL is free, and I rather choose to use mySQL. Why? MySQL database will provide you a high performance regarding speed, distinctive memory caches and other performance that enhance your system. In the other part mysql database is open source database which means free. Although it’s mostly use for online systems, you may use this to a local software and for the future purposes its could be easy to migrate from local to an online system because mysql database is both use for local and online purpose.
Hummm…i used to have the same problem when developing my application with visual basic and Access as the back end…so the thing is that you develop class modules to handle data transfer between tiers (that is Data Tier, Business Tier and Presentation Tier). If you need more information you can just contact me.