Vb.net Vs VB 6 version

I am new in programming, i have tried using VB 6 and did well. But when i tried the VB.net version, i got confused with its environment, especially with its database. Can i still use MS Access in VB.net?Â

I am new in programming, i have tried using VB 6 and did well. But when i tried the VB.net version, i got confused with its environment, especially with its database. Can i still use MS Access in VB.net?Â
Using Microsoft Access with VB.Net or Microsoft Visual Basic.NET is easy provided that you are familiar with VB.NET, ADO.NET, and Access. First, you’ll have to create a Microsoft Access database then once you are done, you can create a connection to it by using the Visual Basic.NET. Then, you can go ahead and create a Windows application in VB.NET and open a connection to the Access database you created. After that, you can try to retrieve the data from the Access database by using OleDbDataAdapter class and display records that were retrieved from the Access database. Now, add a row to the table on the Access database, and update or delete them if necessary. Once you are done, you may test it if it’ll work. To get the complete list of step-by-step procedures for the given instructions above, you may go to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/821765/how-to-use-microsoft-visual-basic-net-to-connect-to-a-microsoft-access.