VEE RunTime Error-Cannot execute file gpib-32.dll

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anybody understands the fix with consider to this. I compose MANY VEE pro 7 programs depending upon a final machine that continued running Windows XP (32 Bit).
I bought a new equipment which upgrades to Windows 7 (64 Bit version) and installed VEE pro 9.3. As I tried to carry out fine existing uncomplicated software, I met the Matlab script condition which I found along the boards (UAC) that at this moment seems to be complete.
However currently I am facing another problem as I try to pose an instrument. My trouble is with the gpib-32.dll report and also I do not know how to solve this.
If anyone has any ideas/ thoughts please share. It is my request that you share with me as I have to solve this ASAP!!!
Cannot execute file 'gpib-32.dll' Error number: 716
VEE Run Time Error
Cannot execute file 'gpib-32.dll'
Error number: 716
Could not attach National shared library file to VEE
See the VEE installation instructions for details.
In Transaction number 1
Object title: AgE8257D_19 ( @ 1419)
Object type: Direct I/O
Answered By 0 points N/A #160017

VEE RunTime Error-Cannot execute file gpib-32.dll

Hello Nicko,
Good day!
It's good that you have posted your concern to this site. You may try this, first, secure Agilent IO Libraries Suite to establish the instrument connection on your PC, then proceed with data analysis using Agilent VEE Pro. You can also try  to download PC Cleaner to it would help fixing Internet Explorer errors, ActiveX errors, Javascript and scripting errors, C++ errors, EXE/ DLL/ OCX/ INF/ VXD errors, and more errors. Also it would enhance your PC's maximum performance. You can download PC Cleaner Pro to have a faster resolution.
Good luck!
Rios Louise

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