Versions of ffmpeg gui linux Gentoo

How many versions are there of FFmpeg GUI Linux Gentoo? Please inform me the most famous version for FFmpeg.

How many versions are there of FFmpeg GUI Linux Gentoo? Please inform me the most famous version for FFmpeg.
Hi Daniel Nicholass,
As I searched the internet as well as Google, I accidentally found a forum that has a lot of informative posts that could help you with your concern. They tackles about the GUI for ffmpeg in Gentoo. I have attached it below so that you would have your reference.
Gentoo Forums: GUI for ffmpeg in Gentoo
Hope that it would be helpful
I may have a solution for your query, and that is WinFF. You may be able to download it through their website, although documentations are for Ubuntu. But Ubuntu is just another flavor of the Linux operating system, so you may try installing it thru the Terminal application available for every Linux operating system.Â