Very slow when starting up

I am using Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2.
When I start my computer it takes too much time to booting up (About 5 minutes).Â
How can I make faster my bootups or startups please tell me in details?Â

I am using Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2.
When I start my computer it takes too much time to booting up (About 5 minutes).Â
How can I make faster my bootups or startups please tell me in details?Â
This happen when you are using an old machine or they are too many software installed on your computer. There can be other reasons for this as well. I will try to explain them one by one.
Its because you might be using an old computer and installed a operating system that doesn't meet the requirements. Old computers usually are slow on running the latest operating system today even if some of the requirements are met.
Solution 1:
Upgrade all of your hardware, most probably the whole CPU and then install your operating system in it or upgrade the operating system as well to the latest.
Solution 2:
Downgrade your operating system that is also another option. To speed things up but remember to choose an operating system that is almost latest that it can support. Don't choose the most old operating system.
Hello Dear Barsat,
It seems that you have not cleaned your temporary files.
These temporary files create many problems during startup or in the Windows booting process.
You have to delete all these temporary files to make your PC faster.
Go to C:WINDOWSPrefetch, and delete all files from this folder.
After that, go to C:Documents and SettingsprofileLocal settingsTemp, and delete all files from this folder.
Now, restart your computer.
You will see a difference.