VGA ps3 controller not linking or connecting to wireless internet connection.
I got this problem with my playstation 3 controller for it doesn’t connect, link or participate in my newly set up wireless internet connection.
If there is some configuration that needs to be done in the settings please let me know.
Christine Yong
Vga ps3 controller not linking or connecting to wireless internet connection.
First Check Your PS3 Connection. If your PlayStation 3 to start and display its start-up graphics, something isn't hooked up right. You'll need to fix it before you can use your wireless controller.
And Plug the power cord for the PS3 wireless controller into one of the USB ports on the front of the PlayStation 3.
Plug the other end of the power cord into the access port on the top of your wireless controller.
After That Allow the wireless controller to charge, leaving it plugged into the PlayStation 3 undisturbed for several hours to gain a full charge.
You Must Disconnect the PS3 wireless controller from the power cord. Press the PS button to start up the PlayStation 3.
The PS button is in the middle of the controller. It is clear and displays the PlayStation logo of a letter P and a letter S moulded together into one shape.
Use the wireless controller to control the PlayStation 3, exactly as you would have with a corded controller for earlier PlayStations.