I was able to use desktop sharing when I tried the UCtrial, but when I setup the 2007 R2 Standard server and connect it to a Communicator client and when I am in the video chat already, I couldn’t find the desktop sharing button. How can I fix this problem?
Video Chat using 2007 R2 Standard Server
You are probably not share with video Plug program. Though you can browse video chat, you still cannot share your desktop program. Some new version has already this kind of plug automatically like Mac Pro, Apple 3.6 version. So your system will not recognize as your want. Related application plug from website must install over the browser.
The 07and R2 standard server connect will perform well but the video plug can support your desktop sharing menu.
If you will not able to use such kind of policy then go to control panel and internet and dial up system or sharing to internet setting.
Your friend