Videos don’t work right, play choppy

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I use Google Chrome as my browser, and I am wondering if it is the browser or my video card or something else. When I watch a video using Explorer, it seems fine. When I watch using Chrome, is shows choppy. Is there something I can do, or should I just settle with using Explorer to watch videos? Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #177153

Videos don’t work right, play choppy


Hello Jeff!

There are other way resolve your issue and enjoy the good features of Chrome. Since you can play videos in Internet Explorer, meaning to say there’s no problem with your video card. So let’s eliminate the process in checking video card.

1. Let’s update your Google Chrome and your Flash Player for it. In your browser look for the latest updates for Google chrome. Follow the on-screen guide and restart your system.

2. Update also your Flash Player. Search the latest/updated version of Flash Player. It might take a while to complete the installation of this software so please be patient.

3. In your browser look for “Customize and control Google Chrome” button. It is just below “X” button upper right side of your browser. Click the button and go to “Settings.” A new tab in your window will open.

4. Click the link of “Show advance settings.”

5. Look for “Privacy” and click “Clear Browsing Data.”

6. Restart your computer.

Updating your video card’s software and driver is not a bad idea to fix all gaps and problems. To make it sure that your computer will perform well even the most difficult times.

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