View Add On For Internet Explorer And Uses
How to view add-on for internet explorer that is pre-installed and are add-ons really useful. How to turn on add-ons?
How to view add-on for internet explorer that is pre-installed and are add-ons really useful. How to turn on add-ons?
Add-ons are pre-installed apps that the internet explorer uses to run web content like videos and games. Some common add-ons are Adobe Flash and Silver light. To view add-on that is present in the internet explorer, Select Tools button and selects Manage add-ons, under show, all the add-ons can be seen on the screen. To turn on add-ons after selecting the show, select the required add-on then enable and then Close.
If you want to check the existing add-ons installed on your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, in Microsoft Internet Explorer, click “Tools” and then “Manage Add-ons.”
On the next screen, wait until the page is populated. On this page, you will see all the extensions currently installed on the browser. You can click on an add-on and see what options are available. You can click to either disable or remove an add-on if it is supported. On the left pane, you will see the “Add-on Types” which lists the add-ons according to type.
For add-ons that can’t be removed, you can see their status if they are enabled or disabled under the “Status” column.