Violations Of HIPAA Compliant Secure Email Service

What does HIPAA stand for? What is HIPAA secure email? What are the violations of HIPAA compliant secure email? Are popular email providers like Gmail and Yahoo compliant?

What does HIPAA stand for? What is HIPAA secure email? What are the violations of HIPAA compliant secure email? Are popular email providers like Gmail and Yahoo compliant?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), stands for protecting sensitive patient data. HIPAA email rules require covered entities to implement access audit controls, integrity controls, ID authentication and transmission security has to fulfill to send emails electronically. Even encryption standards are also applicable.
The violations are, hackers are trying to hack into healthcare details, unpatched and unsupported software, non-malicious internal threats, and accidental threats. Gmail and Yahoo are not HIPAA compliant as security is not a priority for these services.
“HIPAA” refers to the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” of 1996. It is the United States legislation that offers security provisions and data privacy for protecting medical information. It was President Bill Clinton who signed the act into law in August 1996 and contains the following five sections:
In sending an HIPAA-compliant email, it is a general rule that free and internet-based web mail services like Gmail, Hotmail, and AOL are not secure for the transmission of PHI or Protected Health Information. For more information on how to send an HIPAA-compliant email, go to How to Send a HIPAA Compliant Email.