Asked By
Luz M Terry
35 points
Posted on - 07/17/2013
I often receive the following error message when try to create the directory while attempting to install VIPRE. How can I create the directory properly? I have tried many ways to resolve this error by reinstallation and online searching but still getting this error. Help me with best solution. I would be grateful to you.
Error 1317. An error occurred while attempting to create the directory C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu
VIPRE installation error, cannot create the directory properly
Hi Terry,
It seems that issue is related with the folder path permissions,
To do the following steps to how to be in C drive and apply to view the hidden files in your C drive. Now go to your user profile, Appdata, local,Microsoft, Windows. Change the permissions to the folder windows
1.In Windows Explorer, select the folder windows.
2.Right click the folder, and then the properties on the shortcut menu.
3.On the Security tab, click permissions.
4.The everyone group, and then click full control in the type of access list.
5.Select the replace permissions on subdirectories check box.
6.Click ok.
7.Click yes to the prompt conforming whether you want to replace permissions on all subdirectories.
8.Click okay in the folder name properties dialogue box (where folder name is the name of the folder that you selected in step 1)
9.Run the Viper setup once again.
I hope this will resolve your installation problem.