Two days ago I downloaded virtual dj and after that I was investigating quite and at last, I have downloaded mixlab v3.1 software. It was running great.
However, at the present when I was trying to run virtual dj and if I selected my skin, it showed an error message in video driver.
I need to fix it. Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Virtual D J Problem – Looking for solution
Hello Shirley,
What kind of error exactly did virtual dj show you? If the error started appearing after you installed mixlab v3.1 software then it most probable that some of the virtual dj's files were tampered with during the installation of the mixlab v3.1 software. You will therefore need to do the following:
You should uninstall mixlab v3.1 software and see if after that virtual dj will work without bringing any problems.
The error might also be as a result of registry error in the virtual dj software and therefore I will recommend that you use as registry cleaning like CCleaner to identify those errors and fix them.
Hope this helps.
Virtual D J Problem – Looking for solution
It seems your problem is very familiar. Most of the users facing that problem from the moment they download it. Well, if you face that kind of problem, the first thing is to uninstall the software, then re-install it. Re-installing the program can help you to gather the missing files and can possibly fix the problem.
You may also try to right click on the file and run the file.