I am using a virtual machine. As I check on the configuration settings of my virtual machine, I usually get this error below:
Failed to access the USB subsystem.
VirtualBox is not currently allowed to access USB devices. You can change this by adding your user to the ‘vboxusers’ group. Please see the user manual for a more detailed explanation.
Do not show this message again
Please help me find out why I get “Failed to access the USB subsystem” errors every time I check my virtual machine settings. Can someone help me fix this issue?
Virtual Machine setting configuration error
It is truly a recognized fact, that there is problem with Virtual Box, and the affix USB devices that lot of users are trying to use in the virtual machine. This is how a default installation of Virtual Box in Ubuntu 9.04 displays the USB devices, and you need to repair it.
Go to System click Administration from Administration click Users and Groups
From the user-setting window, click the Unlock button
Type your password and click the Authenticate button
Click on the Manage Groups button in user setting window
In the Groups settings window that will appear, scroll down and look for the vboxusers entry. Select it and then click on the Properties button.
Another window will appear, Group 'vboxusers' Properties. Just check the box in front of your username and click the OK button when you are finished.
Close the Group settings and Users Settings windows and log out.
Log in and open up VirtualBox, start your virtual machine and now you can access the USB devices.