Virus rerape.dll Cannot be Removed

I had this for a while now. Whenever I Scan my computer with AVG, it will detect this one. But after repair and quarantine, when I scan again, it’s still there. How can I remove this?

I had this for a while now. Whenever I Scan my computer with AVG, it will detect this one. But after repair and quarantine, when I scan again, it’s still there. How can I remove this?
Try to use kaspersky anti virus and use the trail version for 30 days. First step install the software and update using the trail version then full scan your computer.
If the virus you are trying to remove seems doesn’t want to leave your machine, the best solution at this point would be to format your computer. Even if this puts a lot of work for you because you need to install again all the applications that were previously installed on your operating system, this assures you that the malware is completely removed.
And it would be better if you will create a separate partition in your hard drive for your data files so all your important files will not reside on the system drive or drive C and will be in a safe state if ever you need to reformat your system drive again. After installing Microsoft Windows on your computer, it would also be better if you will be installing Norton Internet Security as your antivirus and safeguard the security of your operating system. It has a free 30-day trial period and can be downloaded from Nortonâ„¢ by Symantec | Nortonâ„¢ Internet Security.
Hi there user:
I think the virus that entered your computer is strong. Your antivirus can detect it, but couldn’t manage to delete. There are two solutions for your problem. Don’t reformat it yet, try to change or uninstall your antivirus, and download a new one, the latest one which you think is strong enough to delete that virus. If it still doesn’t work, then maybe that’s the time to reformat you computer.
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