Vista function to Windows 7 Quick Launch

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Clicking on a Quick Launch icon in Windows Vista would always launch a new instance of that app, even if one instance was already running. But in Windows 7, clicking on an icon you've pinned to the taskbar doesn't do this. Can I replicate the Vista functionality?

Best Answer by Meyer Updike
Answered By 0 points N/A #127806

Vista function to Windows 7 Quick Launch



Sorry but you cannot replicate the quick launch property of windows vista to windows 7 but you can still open multiple windows of the application you have pinned on your taskbar. All you have to do is right click on the icon and choose the name of the program which will be located just above the option that says unpin this program from taskbar and it will open a new window for that program.

hope this helps


Answered By 5 points N/A #127807

Vista function to Windows 7 Quick Launch

Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not have the Quick Launch toolbar and the icons pinned does not behave like you would expect Quick Launch. You can create something similar. Follow these steps.
1. Click Start then Documents.
2. Create new folder and name it whatever you want. This is where you will put the shortcuts you wish to have in the taskbar. I named mine "QuickLaunch".
3. Right click on the taskbar, select toolbars, and click New toolbar.
4. Click Documents on the left pane, and highlight the folder you created and click Select.
5. The folder will be added to the taskbar and will contain all the shortcuts in the folder.
6. Clicking on the shortcut will open a different instance of the application, like Vista's Quick Launch would behave.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #127809

Vista function to Windows 7 Quick Launch



Windows 7 has no Quick Launch. However, you can still pin your work using the jump list. The recently open files are organized by the program is what we call the jump list.

The jump list can be opened on the start menu or task bar.

To view the Jump List:

  1. In the Start Menu or Task Bar, point to the program you wish to use and a list of recent work appears.
  2. Point and click on the file you wish to open.

You can also pin a file on the jump list.

  1. Upon opening the file in jump list, you will notice the file has pinned on the right side.
  2. Click on the pin and it is done.
  3. To unpin, following the same procedure, click the pin again to unpin. You can save your pinned work on the taskbar too.

For a more information check this link. 

Answered By 0 points N/A #127808

Vista function to Windows 7 Quick Launch



I can give instructions on how to do create a Quick Launch on your taskbar but it is going to be a little bit technical. Here goes:

1) Just right-click on an empty space on your taskbar and then select Toolbars click on New Toolbar.

2) When a new folder opens up, write or copy this line %userprofile%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launch on the folder name bare and click Select Folder. That should to the trick.

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