Vista to xp follow up.

Asked By 470 points N/A Posted on -

I found a simple way of replacing my windows vista to windows XP, right now all drivers are working and observing if any problem would occur, but I still have a question specially to Mr. Kurt Hansen.

1. Would changing from SATA to IDE affect my laptop in terms of performance, computing etc?

Acer 4720z,1.73MHz Dual Core, 2 GB RAM.

2. What are the pro's and con's if by default SATA is enabled by Windows Vista and now I am running windows XP in IDE mode?

Best Answer by clarke
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Answered By 0 points N/A #90934

Vista to xp follow up.


Before going into details of how it affects the view changes made to XP on your computer, we must clarify some details:

1. SATA and IDE are two technologies used to serve as an interface to connect mass storage devices like hard drives and optical drives present on your computer. So, we know that these are by default a transfer rate estimated to affect the performance of the device you connect.

2. SATA technology currently supports up to 600 MB / s data transfer. Cables of this type have the advantage that they are simpler in structure which saves more space inside the computer case, currently only 7 pins.

3. The technology IDE, ATA or PATA as it is known, can reach speeds of up to 166 MB / s at a glance what makes them slower than the previous. Another of the characteristics that have the cables of this type is that they contain 40 pins and the configuration process requires making a game with jumpers to set it in its various modes: master, slave or cable select.

4. So we can deduce that obviously if you change the SATA to IDE there will be a lower performance. But this is not as noticeable unless as long as you don’t overcharge your computer with many resources at the same time. Yet you will notice the difference when you are transferring data, e. g. Copying files to or from your hard drive, the SATA will process much faster as it provides better transfer rate.

5. IDE mode, it’s actually being used in those computers with hardware that are quite “OLD”, therefore don’t recognize SATA drives, as their drivers are not up to date. What it’s certainly true is that your drive will act similar to a normal IDE, wasting valuable speed actually supported with the correct configuration. You have a computer with the good enough capacity and I’m sure you can take the more from its working it out.

6. So something that is not clear is because you are making the switch from SATA to IDE mode, as you can feel the market is outpacing the IDE cables, replacing them with SATA, so maybe I would recommend installing your windows XP with SATA Support. You can accomplish this data following these instructions:

7. Google or search Acer Website (Acer 4720 SATA driver), download it and save it. Google and download (nlite) and install it. Now copy an image of your windows XP CD on your computer, you can accomplish this with Alcohol 120%, Win ISO or MagicISO.

8. Now that you have everything in place, save a copy of your XP drivers as we will need to format the computer to work with SATA.

9. Open Nlite, and follow the easy steps to insert SATA drivers into your new windows CD in a blank CD. You can find a little tutorial writing “integrate driver for windows”  in Google .

10. Now that you had experience installing Windows, just format the computer (backup your data before), and proceed with the new CD with full SATA support.


Answered By 0 points N/A #90935

Vista to xp follow up.



Hope that this will give you info. Upon checking your system specs, basically your Motherboard or Mobo is capable of handling either SATA HDD or hard drive and IDE. IDE is the old type of technology that was used on older Motherboards but in some case even IDE and SATA are combined on the Motherboard.

SATA is the upgrade version of IDE especially when it comes on speed and performance, so to answer your first question is YES. For your second question, well actually there is no problem regarding the IDE mode on XP its just that SATA is much faster especially regarding the data transfer. If you're planning to change your IDE to SATA make sure that you backup your important file first and enable the SATA in your BIOS.


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