What are some of the significant and distinct features (the interface and the program itself) between the WhatsApp software and that of Telegram software? Let’s consider the advantages and the disadvantages of WhatsApp over the Telegram software and the vice versa. Emmanuel is my name and I am 20 years of age.
Vital distinctions between WhatsApp and the Telegram software
Dear Christopher T Stark
Primarily both are the messaging apps. Telegram is relatively new and whatsapp is relatively old and well reputed.
However i think , Telegram is far better than whatsapp. Here are some distinctive feature of telegram are listed below.
Its interface is much like whatsapp (as you can see in figure below) so users have no issue in migrating from whats app to telegram.
It is totally free and will remain free of cost (whereas whatsapp is not always free)
You can login and send messages from multiple devices at the same time unlike whatsapp where you are limited to single phone.
You can install it on your PC and use it from your PC without any extra charges.
It is very fast and secure.
You can send any type of file such as mp3, video, jpg, zip, doc etc whereas whatsapp doesn't have such a vast support for formats
File sharing is possilbe upto 1 GB of total size in telegram. Whatsapp trim large files and you cant share upto this limit.
Private chat option is only available in telegram.
You can add group chat including 200 members. In whatsapp you can only chat with 25 people at the time.
The message is double ticked only when other party read the message unlike whatsapp where double tick means the message has been delivered but no surety whether a person at receiving end actually read it or not.