Hello Techyv Users,
I am using vlc 2.0.9 and is using activex for looping mp3 songs and movie files in that. I used .net for activex looping, It works nicely for mp3 songs. But vlc activex can not loop movie. How to overcome this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Gary B Graham
VLC activex can not loop movie
The reason for which you cannot loop vdieos with VLC Activex because you are entering the wrong loop command. The correct command for looping movies or videos is:-
item_id = axVLCPlugin21.playlist.add("D:\PROJECTS\ImageScan\bin\Debug\69 M OPD DR SWT\Baseline\Apical Four Chamber\Apical Four Chamber.avi", name, ":loop");
axVLCPlugin21.playlist.playItem( item_id );
I hope this helps you.