Hi all,
I'm trying to run windows XP through fedora in Virtual machine server v.2. While compiling the modules I got an minor error but I ignored it. I don't want to start the process again. I typed #rmmod. etc and edited the configuration file from terminal.
Still facing this error.
Please help! Thanks.
Failed to
initialize monitor
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VM Server v.2 failed on fedora!
Sorry to say but you'll have to do everything once again by following this:
Download desired VMWare Server in .tar.gz and unzip it.
Browse to your unpacked directory and execute VMware-install.pl.
If the installation / compilation stops with any error or Popup then get VM Server Modules and unzip the same in the previously unzipped directory i. e. from which you had executed VMware-install.pl.
Now execute vmserver-xxxxxx-modules-xxxxx-fix.sh.
Then delete this folder/ directory /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary.
Re-execute vmware-config.pl.
Now you’ll be able to have running VM Ware.
In case of any error, you’ll have to repeat the whole procedure and do the following manually:-
Delete all VMware Modules by using:
rm -rf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/Â or
rm -rf /lib/modules/xxxxxxxxx-server/misc/vm
Incase vmware-config.pl terminates due to any reason manually terminate all VM ware processes.
kill -9 $( ps -ef | awk '/vm/ { print $2 }' )
Start from the scratch and if it asks to do anything with “/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl“ just reject it with no. Execute the VMware modules patch and then /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl.