Vmware network setup Error In Gnacktrack Only

Asked By 240 points N/A Posted on -

Hi mates,

I have downloaded latest penetration testing distribution gnacktrack same as backtrack but i am not able to configure network setting in VMware for this..

I tried creating host-only network connection and by using ethernet connection

In windows XP which i installed in VMware i am able to get connectivity without configuring anything and using nat

But in this i am not able to connect to internet. Is there any packages i have to install to get connectivity?

VMware don't have any guest installation software for my this version. Where can i get these from ?

Also i am having problem accessing shared folder in gnacktrack as i want to use my documents folder in this Linux.

I tried all possible connections, but its only working in windows XP and not working in gnacktrack.




Internet source = host only network

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by aiman_cse
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #195334

Vmware network setup Error In Gnacktrack Only


Remove and reinstall VMware network,

Check all network component, configure network again, restart your computer, then watch what happened?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #117418

Vmware network setup Error In Gnacktrack Only


I am not really that familiar with GnackTrack, and I haven’t really used it.

Although I have read some of the web posts when I was searching long time ago for a solution on how to break somebody’s security-enabled WiFi connection.

I am talking about BackTrack which I think is almost the same as GnackTrack. But all I get was very little info that doesn’t tell where to download exactly the program. I also know that it runs on Linux platform.

Maybe you are using an older version of GnackTrack. If you are indeed using an older or earlier version of the application, maybe you just need to download and install a much newer version of GnackTrack.

To download and install the latest version of the program, GnackTrackR6, you may visit


You should also check the site for the proper procedure on installing and setup of the application on your machine.

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