My Vodafone SIM card recently got blocked by my daughter who apparently tried entering wrong pin by mistake. This is my business phone and therefore I have lost contact with my business. I tried calling the Vodafone customer care Centre but they could not pick up my call. My appointments have been inconvenienced! Can someone advise on the best step to take solve this speedily. Is it possible to reach Vodafone as soon as possible given the urgency in this matter? All help appreciated
Vodafone SIM Blocked How Do I Retrieve My PUK?
Hello Michael!
I know how frustrating it is to lose your contacts and also having problems with your schedules. However we can still unlock your phone by retrieving your PUK code.
1. Â Look for
2. Â Sign-up and register, or if you have your username but you forgot your password retrieve by looking for Forgot Password? Link same thing with retrieving password with Yahoo.
3.  Once logged in, go to Account Settings and select Get PUK Code.
4. Â Look for Mobile information.
5.  Enter your PUK to your phone. You need to enter a new PIN code also (at least 4-8 digits).
You can also contact them using this hotline number -> 0800 800 021 or if overseas -> +64 9 355 2007*.
Once you have the PUK code you’ll have to follow this format:
** 05 * [PUK] * [NEW PIN] * [NEW PIN] #
You can also try this if your phone is really unusable for the moment.
1. Â Use another phone and dial 111 or by using the phone provided above. This is for the customer service. You need to provide necessary information for the customer care representative to retrieve your information.
2.  Enter the PUK code and then the mobile will ask for PIN code. The representative will also provide you this information.
3. Â You will be ask twice to enter your PIN code to confirm. At this moment your phone will be unlock.