Voice Over Internet Protocol in FaceBook

Is it possible to use voip orVoice over Internet Protocol, from facebook to yahoo messenger? I would like to try it but I don’t know how.

Is it possible to use voip orVoice over Internet Protocol, from facebook to yahoo messenger? I would like to try it but I don’t know how.
When you want to voice chat through net, you may use skype. But it’s not possible every time to talk with your all facebook friend through skype. It’s not so secured. VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is now available in facebook. Don’t you make a jump from your bed? It make your voice chat more enjoyable and make your social networking more efficient and easy. Within a mouseclick, you can make voice chat through facebook using VOIP. You can use the tools I given below to enriched your facebook profile with voip tools that works. Use this tools: