The walking Dead Episode for PS3

When can we expect "The walking Dead Episode 2" for my Play station 3. When it will be released into the market?

When can we expect "The walking Dead Episode 2" for my Play station 3. When it will be released into the market?
Full of Adventure ‘The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 2’ has come into the market last week. Episode 2: "Starved For Help" has landed on Xbox live on June 27th, PC and PS3(for north America) versions of the second of five downloadable episodes has arrived on Friday, June 29th. these dates are international with the exclusion of PS3.
PS3 users from Europe will have their date to be announced later. A spokesperson from Teltale games said the proclamation of the dates comes so delayed because Telltale had to wait "until all of their platform partners confirmed their publishing schedules." Though the Telltale PR representative Alan Johnson said that it will be "soon".
The game “The Walking Dead – Episode 2: Starved For Help” is the zombie game without the zombies. Here, the living needs to survive amongst the dead. It is based on the widely commended comic book series and television series called The Walking Dead. Across emotional episodes of game play, each action and decision you make can result in the whole story of the game that is changing around you.
This game was actually released a few days before you posted your inquiry. It was released on June 29, 2012, published and developed by Telltale Games. The game costs around $5. The game is available in PC, Mac OS X, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and iPad. The comic book “The Walking Dead” was written by Robert Kirkman.
For those who haven’t played the game yet, here you play Lee Everett, a professor and also a convicted murderer who was about to serve the life sentence when the zombie outbreak begins to happen. While escaping from the zombies, Lee met a little girl named Clementine. You will now be responsible for the safety of the girl.