Want the automix mag for iPad

I have an iPad and I want the Automix mag for my iPad.
I have searched for it but could not find.
Please tell me where can I download the Automix for iPad.

I have an iPad and I want the Automix mag for my iPad.
I have searched for it but could not find.
Please tell me where can I download the Automix for iPad.
Hi, Ross!
I think the reason why you couldn't find this program for your iPad was because you typed in the wrong name. It should be Automix Mag not Automix.
The problem has been resolved, so just log onto your account at the App Store and search for Automix Mag or you can check out the site for more details.
Here you go: https://itunes.apple.com/ph/app/atomix-mag/id429125775?mt=8
Hi Ross Suominen,
You might have been looking for Atomix Magazine, which prides itself as the first videogame magazine for the iPad. Try doing the following:
1. Check the spelling of your search term on iTunes and try again.
2. Once Atomix Magazine appears on your iTunes, click the icon and enter your password if asked.
3. Wait for the application to finish downloading.
There you go. Hope this helps.
Murakami Wyatt