Want to edit PDF documents how to do ?

I want to edit my PDF documents how to do ?

I want to edit my PDF documents how to do ?
Hi there Hazelwlee,
There are so many program or software you can use to edit PDF document
You can use the software to :
I suggest you use Foxit Phantom Software to Edit PDF Document.
The Foxit Phantom is a Paid program but you can try a trial version before you buy it.
Foxit Phantom is Powerful, Easy to Use and not burden your system.
You can download Foxit Phantom Software from the official site here : https://www.foxitsoftware.com/downloads/
PDF files cannot be easily edited or modified just like the Word files and other formats. But even though PDF Files are read only, there are a number of ways to edit it.
First of all, there is the Adobe’s Acrobat X Pro, a software designed to edit PDF files. This software can easily and quickly modify PDF files. But of course, this comes with a price. And it’s not cheap.
But aside from the official PDF editor, there are other work arounds in the internet that are free. Try to check https://www.pdfescape.com/windows/. It is an online PDF editor that lets you do some basic modifications.
Hellow Hazelwlee
Pdf format is read only by default. Unlike Ms word and other popular documents type pdf cannot be edit easily.
You can edit some elements of pdf file such as hiding phone number, rearranging pages, merging files etc, for free of charge without requiring the source file or any other advance editing software such as Adobe Acrobat.
You can perform such editing online using https://www.pdfescape.com/windows/.It is with free of charge.
If you want to edit text and give it’s a different look, the best idea is convert pdf file in to edital document format such as word using conversion tool. Then you can do the formats you wants and convert it back to pdf
Amanda Morson