In my internet explorer some sites are not able to open. IE provides the error messes that is " Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site". I think there is some problems about registry settings. How
Want to fix the registry setting of internet explorer
Hey Ashiel alejandro!
If your Web browser is not opening some sites with error "Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site" then this must be caused by you firewall. If i am not wrong you must be using some Anti-virus. Your Antivirus firewall is not allowing that particular website or page to open. The reason is that, that website is harmful for your computer that have some malicious virus. That is the reason your Antivirus is blocking that website to open.
It is recommended that you do not turn off your antivirus firewall. Because it can cause damages in loss of data.
I hope that you understand it.
Want to fix the registry setting of internet explorer
If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to browse the internet, make sure you have the latest version. Download one of the following versions that support your operating system:
Once you’ve updated the browser, check if the problem happens again. If it does, make sure your internet connection is working. If you are connected to a router, restart the router. Turn off the router and disconnect it from the power for about 10 to 20 seconds. After this, turn it back on. See if this works.
If the problem continues, just use a different browser like Opera, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.