Want to have a better view of platform independent software

Hi there ,Â
I think you need help regarding platform independence .Â
Platform Independence means that software that you create must run on all platforms equally and indefinitely without any errors.
Like for example if you create an .exe program using dotnet , It works only in Windows operating systems . the .exe files cant be run on Mac or in Linux.
I suggest you do the program in JAVA , unlike other programming languages Java is platform independent . It creates byte code which runs in all platforms rather than native machine language from other programming languages.
Java has a Virtual machine called JVM (Java virtual machine ) that runs as the compiler for the already created java byte code.
Hope that helps you .
I’m not sure if that is right. Independent means it does not require anything to work or it does not rely on something to be able to function.
When you say that a software or an application is a platform independent, it can work on any available platforms or operating systems.
For example, when you create a program, to be able to call it as a platform independent it should run on any versions of Windows operating system, Mac OS X, or Linux.
I’m not really a programmer but I know how to create simple programs using an early programmable language and I know how hard it is to make it available in any environment without generating any errors while using it or when installing it.