Want to know more about small linux distribution.

I heard about three small Linux distribution.
I want to know details about them.
Which distribution will be better?

I heard about three small Linux distribution.
I want to know details about them.
Which distribution will be better?
I will certainly help you to get knowledge about small Linux. There are several small Linux distributions.
These are popular because, they require less resource, fast and simple.
They can be installed on regular PC or and virtual environment. Below is a list of several small Linux distributions:
Dear Friend,
In fact these light Linux distributors are intended for old computer with low memory and low disk space.
It woks effectively on these old computers unlike modern operating systems.
When compare this systems with regard to their efficiency will be in the following order:
1. Puppy Linux: It is a very light adorable version does not take space more than 100 MB.
2. SliTaz: It is very small does not take space after downloading more than 30 MB, It also works for servers and ordinary PCs.