Want to know power script linux
Dear All
I want to know the power script to change the TX value of my Alfa Card in Linux. Please someone tell me what power script linux to write and where to write ?
Dear All
I want to know the power script to change the TX value of my Alfa Card in Linux. Please someone tell me what power script linux to write and where to write ?
Hi Mary,
Please see the script in the attached text file which will change the TX value of your Alfa Card. This is not exactly what you want but you will surely find this useful. You can put this code in a whatever.sh file:
Hi Mary Drapper,
Making changes to the script is a difficult job, so please be careful.
Following script will help you do it.
Put this code in whatever.sh file.
Remember, max TX value with this script is 30.
set -x
# (C)opyright 2010 Scamentology
# This Script changes the TX Power for the Alfa Wireless card
   txpower_up="yes"              # Raises TX Power for alfa Adapters
 txpower_value="30"               # Value to raise alfa adapter to
  interface="$(airmon-ng | grep "RTL8187" | awk '{print $1}')" # "eth0" "wlan0" "wlan1"
#__ Nothing To Change Below This Line _____________________________________________________________
#__ TX Power Increase for Alfa____________________________________________________________________
if [ ! $interface ] ; then echo "Alfa Card Not Found" ; /usr/bin/notify-send "Alfa Card Not Found" ; exit 0 ;Â fi
ifconfig $interface down
ifconfig $interface up
sleep 3
if [ $txpower_up == "yes" ] ; then
  alfa="$(airmon-ng | grep "RTL8187" | awk '{print $1}')"
 if [ "$alfa" == "$interface" ] ; then
    tx_status="$(iwconfig $interface | grep "Tx-Power" | awk '{print $4}')"
   if [ "$tx_status" == "Not-Associated" ] ; then tx_status="$(iwconfig $interface | grep "Tx-Power" | awk '{print $5}')" ; fi
   if [ "$tx_status" == "Tx-Power=$txpower_value" ] ; then
    /usr/bin/notify-send "$tx_status"
     iw reg set BO
     iwconfig $interface TxPower $txpower_value
     tx_status="$(iwconfig $interface | grep "Tx-Power" | awk '{print $4}')"
    if [ "$tx_status" == "Not-Associated" ] ; then tx_status="$(iwconfig $interface | grep "Tx-Power" | awk '{print $5}')" ; fi
    if [ "$tx_status" == "Tx-Power=$txpower_value" ] ; then
      /usr/bin/notify-send "$tx_status"
exit 0
Hope this would address your problem.
Hello, Mary
Hope you are fine.
This script will help you change the TX value of your Alfa Card. To do this job follow the instruction below:
Put this attached code in a whatever. sh file
Chmod +x
Now change the taxable value to whatever you want .
Then run the script
Remember the maximum TX Value with this script is 30!
I also suggest you to check this website.
Best of luck!!