Hi dear,
I took 1 DSL connection from my neighbor. He has a modem but I don't have a modem. Now I want to know who is online at this time. Can you provide me its solution. Urgent.
How to know who is online on specific time
You can find easily who is online at a specific time. For this, you can use some software for this. There are many software for this. You can find them in many different websites. For example, you
can use Verizon software.
Some software demand proper DSL connection settings in your computer. They scan computer for settings before installation. Also may be you need some DSL connection settings. You can find some help on DSL connection settings in this
Go to this link to find answers for your DSL connection settings.
How to know who is online on specific time
The easiest way to know who is online, is to ask them if they are using the Internet, who are included in the circle of networking in your end.
My understanding is, you are only using your neighbors' Internet access as free riders of their network.
If this is the case, I would say, you are also connected to their Internet connection using either wired or wireless.
If you are online, you have a way to check who are online too, by logging into the router's GUI. Internal settings of the router's interface.
Open your web browser, access the GUI by typing
Log-in with the credential using username/password.
Username/Password if still on the default is admin/password.
Go to Wireless tab and MAC filtering.
Then list down all the MAC address and devices who are using the Internet.
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5 points
How to know who is online on specific time
You cannot detect whose online from a network, if your not the network administrator. If you want. Have your own modem and you can see who is online using a server. WiFi devices and modem will be required in this procedure. Install it properly and configure it using the manufacturer's manual.