Want to start PC without installing windows

I am using windows services pack 2.
I have created my user (Admin) password.
I have forgot my password. So I can't start my PC.
Now my question is how can I start my pc (without installing windows).

I am using windows services pack 2.
I have created my user (Admin) password.
I have forgot my password. So I can't start my PC.
Now my question is how can I start my pc (without installing windows).
No need to worry, the solution to the problem "forgot password" is available in many forms.
In case of lost or forgotten password, being unable to logon windows, now you can move on by using bootable CD or USB flash.
The first solution is
First Solution:
And you can instantly recover original password.
In case the non-availability of d or usb drive, you can use a floppy disk, software for floppy drive
If you don't have CD or USB flash you can create bootable floppy disk using old version of the program.
You can download it using
You have the following guide line:
1: Creating the boot disk for password hashes is the first step, do this using windows password recovery boot disk creator
2: After booting the pc with booting disk, now you can read the instructions carefully and proceed
Second Solution:
Another boot disk option is [email protected]: http://www.boot-disk.com/
Third Solution:
The Third and the best free method and the fastest method is using windows password recovery tool.
You can have it and this is text based and easy. You can download it:.
And try this one.
It’s good that you are not using administrator user name. So you have no need to worry. Follow these steps to login your windows.
If you forgot the password for your user account and you cannot log in to your computer, there are two ways to fix it. First, if you have another user account with admin privileges, you can use it to change the password of your account. Just log in to the other admin account then once logged in, click “Start”, “Control Panel” then “User Accounts”.
In “User Accounts” window, click the user account you want to change the password. On the next screen, click “Change my password” then follow the instructions to change the password. You can also click “Remove my password” to remove the password on your user account. Just create a new password once you are logged in to your account.
On the other hand, if you don’t have another admin account, you can login using the built-in “Admin” account in Safe Mode. Restart your computer then press F8 before the Windows logo appears. In “Advanced Boot Options” screen, select “Safe Mode” then hit Enter. On the login screen, select “Administrator” to log in.
Once you are logged in, just repeat the same steps to change or remove the password of your user account.