Want to take out the powered by prestashop footer

There is a powered by prestashop footer link in my website that I want to take out. Looking for the procedures to get rid of the powered by prestashop footer link from my website.

There is a powered by prestashop footer link in my website that I want to take out. Looking for the procedures to get rid of the powered by prestashop footer link from my website.
I see that you want to remove the prestashop footer from your website. It a very easy process to remove the footer from your website. You just need to modify the template file.
1. Locate the blockcms directory and locate the blockcms template on your computer. See the screenshot below:
2. Open the template in a text editor.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the template to the last two lines.
The last two lines will contain the words prestashop. Delete the entire line.
Now save the file to the same location and do not change the file name.
Now the prestashop footer will be removed.