Want To Transfer Fsmo Roles 2008 R2 In Your System

I want to transfer fsmo roles in windows 2008 operating system using active directory schema snap-in to transfer. Guide me how to do this.

I want to transfer fsmo roles in windows 2008 operating system using active directory schema snap-in to transfer. Guide me how to do this.
Active directory schema snap-in is required to the transfer in the schema master role. There is how to transfer fsmo roles in 2008 using schema master role –
A) Tap start > run> type regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll and then click ok and then ok in the popup box that will appear after this.
B) Again tap start > run> type mmc and then click ok. Click file > click add/remove snap-in.
C) To the left below Available Snap-ins, click Active Directory Schema> Add > OK. Right-click Active Directory Schema > Change Active Directory Domain Controller.
D) Click domain controller from the domain controllers list and then click ok.
E) The schema master role holder will get displayed through a pop-up window. Click the schema master holder and click Change. Tap yes to confirm.