Use TV Card and PC at the same time

Asked By 230 points N/A Posted on -

I have just recently bought a TV card. I want both the TV Card and my PC will turn on simultaneously. That means I want to remove the disturbances of opening and closing the monitor to pc cable. If any extra accessories will need, please tell me.

How can I get the solution about this problem?


Best Answer by Christin
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #98506

Use TV Card and PC at the same time



  • Now-a-days, external TV tuner cards are available which can accept the video signal from the Motherboard. You should have gone for this.
  • Anyway, your problem can be easily solved by using a Y- type VGA splitter adapter or a VGA 2:1 multiplexer cable. This has two VGA inputs and a single VGA output. The two inputs can be connected to PC and TV Tuner box and the output goes to the Monitor. There will be a two-way switch which enables you to choose the desired VGA channel without manually changing the cable. This will be easily available at your nearest computer shop and may hardly cost around a few dollars. 



Answered By 0 points N/A #98507

Use TV Card and PC at the same time

  • Yes it is possible to use both your TV card and your computer and you can use one of them at a time. Once you will close the TV tuner then your computer screen will be available to display. It is simple to configure and takes no time. You just need to do these steps there would be two connectors with your TV card look for these connectors and put your Monitor cable in that connector also connect your cable of TV tuner in that card and run it. You will see that both of them will work fine. When you will switch your TV it will automatically take you to your computer screen.
  • But in case your TV tuner does not support two interfaces then you can arrange another port to use both of them. It is also very easily available and you can configure it easily. It will solve your problem.

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