Want a .wmv file movie actions buttons [Flash]

I uploaded a .wmv file (a flash cs3) and I want it to stop/pause when movie buttons are pressed.
HTML coding for this please?
Thanks in advance

I uploaded a .wmv file (a flash cs3) and I want it to stop/pause when movie buttons are pressed.
HTML coding for this please?
Thanks in advance
If you are asking for a web player that can be embedded on to your web page, try to generate a code for your web player by visiting DivX’s web player page.
This is what it looks like.
If you want to instantly create a web player, you can try the Code Generator.
You will have this page after clicking Code Generator. You just need to fill the boxes with the right information and settings then click on Generate to instantly generate your web player.
If you are a web master and want to create your own web player from scratch, you can select DivX Plus Web Developer Guide. This is for those who are quite advanced.