Warning about intelligent weapons ?

Cyber experts warn about the intelligent weapons which may come in future. What exactly is this intelligent weapon is. Who develop these things? Where can I find it?

Cyber experts warn about the intelligent weapons which may come in future. What exactly is this intelligent weapon is. Who develop these things? Where can I find it?
Sudden advances in virtual war technologies might soon lead to a new production of so-called “intelligent cyber weapons” which top global IT security expert warn could be practically inevitable.
He also warned that programmers developed to counter attacks by malware like Stuxnet can act separately and could possibly themselves spark conflicts.
Stuxnet and blaze have shown the side of cyber of which the average user does not think of but which will bring a lot of challenges to all experts who deal with critical transportation defense issues – IT experts, lawyers, rule makers," Ilmar Tamm,
Head of the NATO Cyber Defense Centre told reporters on Thursday. "The number of cyber conflicts keeps rising and it is important to understand who the actors in these events are, how to classify these events and participants, and how to understand all that," Tamm said, noting Western selected have been slow to become aware of even existing cyber threats.
"But the most commanding weapon today in cyberspace is still the half truths, the chance to use the Internet to extend your message," Kenneth Gears, US cyber defense expert told some 400 top IT gurus presence the gathering Thursday.
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Ellethan barson