Ways To Password Protect A USB Drive In Steps Wise Only

Hello, how to password protect a USB drive and also notify the steps for the same as well as a reference only. Thanks for solving and looking in it as well.

Hello, how to password protect a USB drive and also notify the steps for the same as well as a reference only. Thanks for solving and looking in it as well.
Hey, you can password protect an USB drive by manually downloading the applications over the internet and run the same over the system and just follow its agreement license as well. The file size will not be more than 3-4 MB respectively. If still facing problem try below solutions for it:
• You can manually save the files with the passwords in it.
• Can also create an encrypted password for the same as well.
• Also can create the password partitioning for it as well.
• It can be also done by locking the flash drive to the USB respectively.