Web Design and Development program

Hello Friends,

Hello Friends,
I am Andrew. In answer to its question:
A website, Web place or WWW (often shortened to alone place) is a Web page collection, that is to say, documents in accessible HTML/XHTML generally across (through) HTTP in Internet. All the Web places publicly accessible in existence comprise the World Wide Web. The pages of a Web place one will gain access from an URL common root, the page of beginning and it occurs rarely reside in the same physical servant.
In Engineering of Software, a Web application is an application that is delivered to the users of a web servant in a network like the Internet or an intranet. The web applications are popular due to the ubiquity of the web navigator (browser) like client sometimes called to a thin client. The aptitude to update and of maintaining web applications without distributing and installing software in potentially thousands of teams (equipments) client is a key reason for its popularity. The Web applications are used to implement the web mail, sales for minor in line (figure), auctions on line (figure), forums of discussion and to realize many other functions.
A Website is a collection of data or pages particularly in HTML, CSS, JavaScript formats accessible via web browsers to be viewed and interacted online. Most websites are used by companies to advertise their products to maximize profit. Websites need a web space or web hosting in order to be viewed by anyone with internet connection in order to manipulate the pages. Websites, also is a common tool used in the area of research.
A Web Application are programs that can be utilized using browsers that minimizes the installation process of a single program to a number of computers in a network. Web applications can be an internet or intranet. Most web applications are also written in the same languages implemented by websites like HTML or Java and uses the browser to render the application as an executable just like any other stand alone software products counterpart.
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